Contents and Subjects
You may also begin your studies by listening to an audio series by
H. L. Roush, Sr. As you listen, go to pages we have set up (click here)
to view models as you walk with Brother Roush through the tabernacle. Link for the audio
"I am the Way" - The Gate The Perfect Sacrifice - The Brazen Altar Continual Cleansing - The Brazen Laver The Place of Worship - Holy Place The Light of the World - The Lampstand Fellowship of the Word - The Shewbread Prayer and Praise - The Golden Altar of Incense Born Again! - The Veil In God's Presence - The Holy of Holies God's Holiness - The Ark of the Covenant
Pot of Manna The High Priest and Day of Atonement The Lost Man Pictured in the Tabernacle The Saved Man Pictured in the Tabernacle