The Tabernacle Picturing the Cross
and TRUE Christianity
Christ Came to Earth as Man to:
(From Cross Up)
THE ONE MEDIATOR Between God and Man I Tim. 2:5 |
The Risen Christ now: (From Throne Down) |
Born Again Christians:
(From Cross Up) |
Take us to the Father so we may receive His Eternal LIFE.
John 14:6-9
Rend the Veil (His flesh) separating the Holy Place (Soul) from the Holy of
Holies (Spirit.)
Heb. 10:20
Show Himself as TRUTH, the Light of the World and the Bread of Life.
John 8:12; John 6:35
Make a WAY by dying for us, becoming our Substitutionary
I John 2:2; Heb. 9:12
High Priest |
The Cross is Pictured in the Tabernacle Furnishings.
Click to return to
(Side 1)
Sits on the Throne of Mercy and Grace at the Father’s right hand.
Col 3:1;
Eph. 2:6
Makes intercession for the Saints at the Altar of Incense and gives Light to
the world & the Bread of Life by His Spirit & Word.
Rom. 8:34
At the Laver He continually cleanses &
transforms by washing with the Water of the Word.
Eph. 5:26
Is Head to His Body, the Church.
Col. 2:10 |
Enter boldly before the Throne into His Holy Presence.
Heb. 4:16
Have the Veil rent, and are born again.
John 3:3, Heb.10:20
Worship God
in Spirit & in Truth , praise Him and pray with power. (Holy Place.)
John 4:24
Come to Laver for continual washing and
transformation in the Water of the Word.
Eph. 5:26
Are crucified with Christ, raised with Him, & live in Him.
Gal. 2:20 |