The Tabernacle Picturing the New Covenant
The Old Covenant was external. The New Covenant is internal -- spiritual. To gain access, one must be born again spiritually.
God must become personal to you. He, by His Spirit, must live inside of you, giving you life. Without the new birth, you remain dead because the veil remains intact. There is a blindness of spirit because one cannot "see" God's glory on the other side of the veil. There is a blindness of mind (soul -- pictured in the Holy Place) because the Light of God in the Holy of Holies cannot get through the intact veil.
There was no personal relationship with God for the Israelite who was under the Old Covenant. But there must be a personal relationship with God for the worshipper in the New Covenant. Because that is the main difference between the two covenants.
Through Jesus Christ, the Son of God, Old Testament external religion, in the hands of external -- third-party mediators -- became transformed into a new and living way, whereby the New Testament believer has a personal, internal relationship with God Himself. Because of the rent veil, a believer now contains within his own person the fullness of true worship: spirit, soul and body. Because the veil is rent, he has access to God through Jesus Christ Who rent the veil. Jesus Christ, in the New Covenant is the ONE Mediator between God and man, because He Himself and He alone opened up the way.
If you have had the veil rent that stands between your soul and spirit -- being born again by the Cross, Burial and Resurrection, identifying with Jesus Christ's work on your behalf -- your relationship to God has now become to you an internal process, and you are no longer bound by laws, ordinances, rituals, or an Old Testament type priesthood. You are free to serve the living God. You are free to learn of God and be taught by Him. That is what being led of the Spirit means.
Benefits to Man |
Entrance into the |
Ministry of the One Mediator, Christ |
The Veil was rent at Calvary!!!
Has your veil been rent?
Jesus said, Ye must be born again! - John 3:1-7
Man as an individual has three parts to him. The inner, first part, is his spirit, typified by the Holy of Holies in the Old Testament Tabernacle/temple. But his spirit is dead, typified by the veil, until he comes to the Saviour by faith.
The second part of man is his soul which contains his mind, will and emotions. Those are influenced by his carnal nature because of the dead spirit. Only the Saviour can transform the soul from within and make it over into what he wants it to be. The spirit must be quickened and then the mind renewed on truth.
The third part of man is his body, which God wants to be a living sacrifice to Him. With a quickened spirit and a renewed soul. man will use his body to God's glory. Eventually, he will have a resurrected and glorified body and will then be perfect. |
Man's spirit is made alive because he has been ushered into the presence of the Living God by a new and living way through the veil, which is Christ's flesh. Christ is our Eternal High Priest, offering Himself ONCE, passing into the heavenlies ONCE, offering His Blood on the Mercy Seat ONCE, sitting down at the right hand of God.
Christ opens up the way so that the mind, will and emotions of man now have access to spirit and truth and can worship God as He desires. No longer is a priesthood or tituals needed. Christ is our High Priest.